Saturday, October 11, 2008

Blog Post #5 : Reflecting on the Research Project

When people with different backgrounds and personalities work together, it gives rise to new and creative ideas. When working with different people, problems of communicating with each other is a norm. Both of my team mates are very different from me and from each other, however, we were able to effectively communicate our ideas, praise or any type of dissatisfaction. All of us, were able to take on constructive criticisms and also were able to give back positive feedback. I believe that I have gained two new friends through this project.

Major hurdle for our group, was probably the time constraint. Having to submit at least one part of the report every class did take a toll on us. Especially since, it coincided with some of other project reports, tests, presentations and also certain health problems. We did lose our path and found ourselves lost at some point, however, we did pull ourselves together once the storm had passed and are back on track.

For our oral presentation, I think we should focus on how to effectively communicate with the audience. We should focus on our organization regarding the framework of our presentation. In addition, we should also work on being more persuasive and convincing in our way of speech


-wendy- said...

Hi Divya,

I do agreed that working with different people from different background, when comes to communication, surely there’s some communication breakdown. If I’m not wrong, the project group for yours made up of different people from different countries. Trying to understand and communicate effectively is a great challenge. However, you all did it!

I remembered during the ending of one tutorial sessions, Pei Pei was still very blur of the CCAs point system that you guys are researching about right now. I guess she did put in her effort there to find out more on the system, on the other hand, you all did explained to her to help out too. This kind of team spirit is a plus point in a project work. Helping one another when there’s trouble is a great success to most of the projects faced in the near future as well.


Xue Xin said...

Hi Divya!

I do agree with you that problems and clashes may arise when people of different personalities work together. The project group should always work together to resolve the differences instead of escaping from the situation. Effective communication skills like active listening will thus come into play in making the project a smooth-flowing one.

Time constraint was also a challenge to my group and I believe that all the other project groups out there feel the same way too. In a way, the time-table was arranged as such probably so that we would not leave everything till the last hour. We would have more time for peer-editing of the reports. I am glad that we managed to complete the project in time for submission despite the tight schedule.

Anonymous said...

Hey Divya,

Time is indeed never enough for all of us. Our group also faced the same problems due to the midterm tests, and for me, I fell ill for almost a week and couldn't contribute much to the project for that particular week.

For my group, we were fortunate in a sense that we would cover up for each other whenever we had other obligations to attend to, and we never held grudges among each other. We just understood that our schedules were tense during certain periods and just took over each others' responsibilities for awhile.

I suppose some people may abuse how my group works but if you can find responsible project mates like mine, you'll appreciate them very much!


grace kim said...

Thank you, Divya, for your post. I'm happy to hear that you have forged new friendships as a result of this project.

I thought your reflection was a little short. It would have been good if you had provided us with specific incidents that happened in order to support some of the points that you made eg. how your group was "lost" at some point but managed to pull through and get back on track.